Privacy Statement

Code of ethics

The magazine Administración y Organizaciones subscribes to the code of ethics for the action and performance of the actors involved in the publication process of this magazine (Editors, Editorial Committee, Authors and Reviewers) established by the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE by its acronym) and available at

Ethical obligation of the authors

  • Authors must guarantee that the articles are the product of their original work as researchers and that the data presented has been obtained in an ethical manner, so they must send the letter of originality and guarantee that they do not infringe copyright.
  • The article may not be totally or partially submitted to another publication.
  • Authors may not submit redundant publications in different issues of the journal, meaning that two or more documents share the same data, hypotheses, discussion points or conclusions.
  • Authors must guarantee strict adherence and acceptance to the editorial criteria established by Administración y Organizaciones.
  • It is the obligation of the authors to respect the authorship of all the sources that have been used in the elaboration of their article; For this reason, you must provide accurate data from bibliographic, newspaper, electronic, and other data collection techniques. They also agree not to omit any significant material.
  • Address the observations of the editorial and academic opinions in a timely and clear manner.

Incurring any breach of the above points constitutes unethical and unacceptable conduct; consequently, the proposed article could be eliminated and not considered for publication; likewise, the author may not be considered for any activity related to the magazine.

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