Regional integration in Mercosur. The case of Red Mercociudades




social movements, energy integration, environmental conflicts


The article is the result of the UBACYT Program research: “La Mercociudades, redes de cooperación e intermunicipalidad ¿Son la globalización y la distribución del poder factores limitantes de su consolidación?” It is within the framework of the local organizations studied that results are evidenced that make it possible to state that regional integration is a process, in which the state and non-state subsystems interrelate, forming different political and organizational frameworks that allow for integration the one that the contents and transformations of public policy are explored and analyzed, as a possibility of a “window of opportunities” to consolidate the integration in the Mercosur space. Through an online survey of municipal / local officials of Mercociudades member cities, and with non-participant observation in meetings of the Mercociudades Network, data on the integration processes in the Mercosur space and specifically in the Municipalities network were collected.


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How to Cite

Lucuix, M. B. (2019). Regional integration in Mercosur. The case of Red Mercociudades. Administración Y Organizaciones, 22(43), 29–39.
Received 2019-02-08
Accepted 2019-11-28
Published 2019-11-28