Use of delivery service apps in newly created gastronomicmicroenterprises in Mexico City




Microenterprises, restaurants, apps


The microenterprises in Mexico are those with less than 10 workers, they represent more than 90% of the business sector and constitute an important source of employment and GDP. Despite this, their annual progress is very low, since they face both financial problems and their structure. Restaurants are an important part of these microenterprises and they exist in great variety in Mexico. The objective of the research was to examine the use perceived by the restaurant microenterprises with less than six months in operation for the use of delivery service apps and detect their facilitators and inhibitors. The methodology used was a descriptive qualitative research. First of all, a bibliographical investigation was carried out on the subject and then 10 interviews to restaurant micro-entrepreneurs with less than six months in operation to know their perception of use of delivery service apps. The results showed that the first obstacle to use as operator of these applications is the high price of commissions, since they are seen as a useful tool to increase sales and publicize their products.


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How to Cite

Arellano Narváez, R., & Acosta Gonzaga, E. (2020). Use of delivery service apps in newly created gastronomicmicroenterprises in Mexico City. Administración Y Organizaciones, 23(44), 35–54.
Received 2019-06-01
Accepted 2020-05-12
Published 2020-05-12

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