Entrepreneurial education in university institutions:a theoretical approach





Education, entrepreneurial, profesionalization


The debate on “being”, product from the nature or the social environment, still exists. In this sense, entrepreneurship may or may not be a result from a structured training mechanism. For this reason, the objective of this document is to examine the role of the entrepreneurial education in the university environment and its impact on the intention to undertake different projects. A documentary search was carried out, where 190 research articles were compiled, integrating a bibliometric analysis of 101 of them, from four databases. Discrepancies were determined between gender and contextual aspects; likewise, the productivity of the issues involved proved to be of greater relevance in English; with greater European publications surpassing those of the American continent. As for the findings, endogenous and exogenous elements influence the intention, refuting the indoctrinated perspective of the entrepreneurship as an innate attribute and showing developable elements to forge certain qualities.


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How to Cite

Cabrera, A. S. A., Ochoa Jiménez, S., & Villegas, S. A. C. (2020). Entrepreneurial education in university institutions:a theoretical approach. Administración Y Organizaciones, 23(44), 23–34. https://doi.org/10.24275//uam/xoc/dcsh/rayo/2020v23n44/Apodaca
Received 2019-10-29
Accepted 2020-05-11
Published 2020-05-11