Healthy-extended leadership model and its development as adaptive psychosocial competence in complex organizational environments




Healthy leadership, Psychosoacial factors at work, Occupational health psychology, Competencies, Healthy organizations


The prevention of negative leadership as a psychosocial risk factor at work has shown relevant results in organizations from the theoretical framework of Occupational Health Psychology. The aim of this paper is to propose a Healthy-Extended Leadership Model with three elements: 1) a comprehensive definition; 2) a model with five dimensions: a) Constructive Social Relationships; b) Support for Training and Adaptive Development; c) Extended Health and Wellbeing Care; d) Provision of Resources for High Performance; e) Promotion of Favorable and Productive Workplaces; and 3) it is developed as a competency for its application in organizations. As conclusions, the propose model: can contribute to the balance between health and outstanding performance; contribute to the creation of favorable work environments; and, together with other protective psychosocial factors and competencies, have a larger impact on the development of healthy workers, organizations, and societies.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Mejía, E., Colín, E. S., & Saisó, A. G. (2022). Healthy-extended leadership model and its development as adaptive psychosocial competence in complex organizational environments. Administración Y Organizaciones, 25(48), 47–63.
Received 2021-09-13
Accepted 2022-03-03
Published 2022-03-29