Values as a component of organizational culture:

an empirical approach in the eastern region of the State of Mexico.




organizational culture, internalization of values, eastern region of the State of Mexico, principal component analysis, cluster analysis., organizational ethic, values, eastern region of the State of Mexico, Principal Component Analysis


The objective of this work is to empirically identify the degree of internalization of values ​​as components of organizational culture in a group of companies in the eastern region of the State of Mexico. To this end, a survey was adapted and applied to one hundred and four companies in the region. To analyze the data thus collected, the statistical technique of principal components is used, as well as the cluster analysis to identify the degree of internalization and the grouping of the values. To conclude that the companies analyzed in the region have managed to internalize the philanthropic-ethical values ​​and have adopted them as part of their culture but that they should strive to internalize the values ​​referring to legality. The dimensions in which they have managed to internalize them are the orientation towards the results and orientation towards the personnel.


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How to Cite

Bernal, J. L., & Alpuche de la Cruz, E. (2023). Values as a component of organizational culture:: an empirical approach in the eastern region of the State of Mexico. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(51).
Received 2022-11-23
Accepted 2023-03-09
Published 2023-08-15