Organizational Culture and Job Performance in a metal-mechanic enterprise of Durango, México




organizational culture, job performance, linear regression, metal-mechanic industry


Culture is an aspect of organizations that is recognized as a determining agent of the way in
which other organizational phenomena are presented. On the other hand, job performance is
one of the concepts that is currently sought to be understood, with the purpose of improving
its indicators in practically any organization. In the present work, the objective of
evaluating the influence of the organizational culture on the job performance of the
employees of a company in the metal-mechanic industry of Durango Capital is proposed.

To achieve this, two questionnaires were applied to a sample of 232 people who work in
the company, Stoner (1994) was used to measure work performance and the OCAI of
Cameron and Quinn (1999) was used to measure organizational culture. Both were
correctly validated before their final application, using the Cronbach's alpha test.
It was found, that the dominant culture is adhocratic, and that the predominant dimension of
job performance is that of behaviors. Evidence was also obtained, applying linear
regression analysis, that culture does indeed have an influence on job performance in the
company studied.


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How to Cite

Villarreal Solís, F. M., Gómez Romero, J. G. I., & Rojero Jiménez, R. (2023). Organizational Culture and Job Performance in a metal-mechanic enterprise of Durango, México. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(51).
Received 2023-02-15
Accepted 2023-11-22
Published 2023-11-27