Organizational change: manifestation of power and resistance in organizations




organizational change, resistance to change, conflict, organizational behavior


Change is a phenomenon with which organizations constantly interact, especially if they pursue their survival. However, its implementation can give rise to conflicts within the organization derived from the clash of powers that it originates. The objective of this article is to make a theoretical review of the variables organizational change and power, describe the phenomenon of resistance to change and the manifestation of these elements in organizations. For this, a qualitative theoretical investigation of the documentary design type with an explanatory scope will be used. Through this research, it was found that change and power are closely interrelated, and it was concluded that the implementation of change in an organization can give rise to a power struggle, causing a conflict between those who seek to implement the change and those who reject it, although there are strategies to combat resistance to change.


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How to Cite

Duarte Gil, K., & Arellano González, A. (2024). Organizational change: manifestation of power and resistance in organizations. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(51).
Received 2023-02-24
Accepted 2023-12-12
Published 2024-01-16