Essential mathematical concepts to establish a common language between Organizational Studies and Dynamic Systems




system, operator, model, linearity, bifurcation, stability, complexity, chaos, Complexity


In the field of research in Social Sciences, the use of concepts such as complexity, nonlinearity, bifurcation, stability and chaos, among others, whose origin is located in Biology, Physics and Mathematics, has become widespread, without taking care of specify its mathematical meaning and its equivalences or relationships with respect to the social field, which generates confusion and reduces the seriousness of the corresponding studies, particularly in the field of Organizational Studies. In order to build a bridge between the physical-mathematical Sciences and the Social Sciences , we present a study of dynamic systems in which the aforementioned concepts are clearly and precisely defined, whose purpose is to constitute a reference framework for research on the mathematical modeling of organizational dynamics.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Sánchez, P., Guerrero Grajeda, J., Alvarez Gonzalez, R. M., Bonilla Sánchez, F. de J., & Hernandez Navarro, X. (2024). Essential mathematical concepts to establish a common language between Organizational Studies and Dynamic Systems. Administración Y Organizaciones, 27(53).
Received 2023-12-02
Accepted 2024-12-13
Published 2024-12-26