Analysis of the differential between expectations and perceptions of service quality

A case study of restaurant service



Service quality, Service expectations, Restaurant sector


Nowadays, independent small restaurants face a high competition, thus is critical to enhance the customers’ loyalty. The objective of this research was to determine the extent of the differential between expectations and perceptions of service quality with the aim to reduce this differential by means of coaching the service personnel who is in direct contact with the customer. Data of a survey applied to the commensals of a family restaurant located in a small town of Michoacán was used to estimate a structural equation model that demonstrates there is an important differential between expectations and perceptions of service quality. The DINERSERV multiscale was used to measure service quality. The training program designed links the efforts of the service quality and human resources areas and its implementation improves the customer’s fidelity as a key element of a loyalty program.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Ester Arroyo López, EGADE Business School, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Pilar Ester Arroyo López. Profesora adscrita a la EGADE Business School y el Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial del Tecnólogico de Monterrey. Doctora en Administración por la EGADE y La Universidad de Texas en Austin. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores desde 2007. Ha realizado investigaci´ón en los temas de tercerización, desarrollo de proveedores, emprendimiento social, mercadotecnia social para el cuidado de la salud y el medio ambiente.

Ma. Concepción Alvarado Méndez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Ma. Concepción Alvarado Méndez

Doctora en economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Análisis regional, economía agrícola, gestión empresarial

Tel. 248 1319774


María Mercedes León-Sánchez, Universidad de Guanajuato

María Mercedes León Sánchez es Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), maestra en Economía y gestión del cambio Tecnológico y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Guadalajara-

Judith Banda Guzman, Universidad de Guanajuato

 Judith Banda Guzmán es profesora-investigadora del Departamento de Arte y Empresa en la División de Ingeniería del campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Doctora en Contabilidad y Finanzas por la Universidad de Trujillo.



How to Cite

Cárcamo, M. de L., Arroyo López, P. E., Alvarado Méndez, M. C., León-Sánchez, M. M., & Guzman, J. B. (2021). Analysis of the differential between expectations and perceptions of service quality: A case study of restaurant service. Administración Y Organizaciones, 24(46), 69–87. Retrieved from
Received 2020-03-28
Accepted 2021-05-08
Published 2021-05-08