Impact on Productivity Quality Management,a perspective from the IATF-16949 standard




Productivity, management, quality, process, productivity index


The objective of this research is to analyze the implications on the level of productivity in a prototype company of the automotive electrical sector on the occasion of the adoption of the IATF-16949 standard. The company studied is one of the three companies that make up section 335920 of the Classification System for North America (INEGI, SCIAN, 2018) corresponding to the manufacture of electrical conduction cables for the automotive industry. The methodological strategy is quantitative, correlational in scope and experimental design; it was developed from a comparative analysis through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a significance level of 95% (α=0.05) for the indicators level of waste (ND), operational availability (DO), compliance with specifications (CE) and on-time deliveries (ET), all measured from the organizational productivity base. The analysis criteria correspond to indicators measured in the plant, through the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), their impact was grouped and weighted in a global productivity index (GPI). Among the main findings, it was corroborated that a quality management system linked to control tools under the automotive standard IATF-16949 contributes on productivity organizational improvement and to the increase of the General Productivity Index (GPI), a condition that favors the detection, prevention and treatment of critical control points in all phases of the process.The objective of this research is to analyze the implications on the level of productivity in a prototype company of the
automotive electrical sector classified in section 335920 of the Classification System for North America (INEGI, 2018),
due to the adoption of the IATF-16949 standard. The methodological strategy is quantitative, with a correlational scope
and experimental design; it was developed from a comparative study using an analysis of variance with a significance level
of 95% (α=0.05) for the indicators level of waste, operational availability, compliance with specifications and on-time
deliveries. Among the main findings, it was corroborated that a quality management system linked to control tools under
the automotive standard IATF-16949, improves organizational productivity and increases the General Productivity Index,
a condition that favors the detection, prevention and treatment of critical control points in all phases of the, IATF-16949.


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How to Cite

Baltazar Baltazar-Jiménez, L., Cárdenas Parrales, M., & Gutiérrez González, M. A. (2023). Impact on Productivity Quality Management,a perspective from the IATF-16949 standard. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(50).
Received 2022-04-30
Accepted 2022-10-20
Published 2023-03-31