Historia y evolución del neuromárketing



The human brain has been studied for more than two thousand years, however, in our days, much of it is still a mystery.
In the last century scientific contribution on human thought and behavior were limited, thanks to the multidisciplinary approach of neurosciences, the situation is changing rapidly and the last three decades have seen a considerable change, to the point that the 21st century is being described as “the century of the brain” (De Balanzó and Sabaté, 2007).
In order to establish the beginnings of neuromarketing it is necessary to address the history of neuroscience. Neuroscience starts from philosophy, which established the bases that founded and clarified the concepts and principles of the study of the brain. Taking philosophy as the foregoing of neuroscience avoids dissociating the scientific and philosophical spheres of a field in which there is a deep degree of relationship (C. Blanco, 2014).


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How to Cite

Marín Aguilar, J. T., Rivera Martínez, M. E., Díaz Duarte, A. A., & Martínez Serna, M. del C. (2023). Historia y evolución del neuromárketing. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(50). Retrieved from https://rayo.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/Rayo/article/view/538



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