Social innovation and governance in the context of a rural third sector organization in Zumpahuacán, State of Mexico




social innovation, governance, organización rural


Facing a scenario of poverty, marginalization and inequality, social innovation is shown as a strategy for the solution of social
issues, where community participation increases its potential at the local level as an engine of governance; nevertheless,
voids are detected as to what practices and actors take place in a rural context. The objective of this article is to visibilize the
actors and practices of social innovation and governance promoted by a third sector organization. It’s a study with an qualitative
exploratory approach, which was applied with techniques such as in-depth interviews and participatory observation,
both analyzed with the ATLAS.ti software. As results, collective action, identity, relations between actors and social projects
development are highlighted as main practices; concluding that the intercommunity organization linked with external actors
is the main detonator of social innovation and governance.


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How to Cite

Poot Rodríguez, K. J., Mercado Salgado, P., & Velasco Orozco, J. J. (2023). Social innovation and governance in the context of a rural third sector organization in Zumpahuacán, State of Mexico. Administración Y Organizaciones, 26(50).
Received 2022-09-24
Accepted 2023-03-09
Published 2023-04-01